Steps to Achieve Your New Years Goals

The holidays are here and will quickly come to an end. It will be 2019 before we know it. Those of us that are always seeking improvement and success have already began thinking of our New Year goals. And those who usually fail at achieving theirs or decide to not improve are the ones who aren’t thinking about it at all. Perhaps this is the year that you, the procrastinator or glorious failure are ready to wake-up and make some change. And to you, here is how to successfully make that happen.
1. Know your goals and write it then down.
The number one way to accomplish your goals is to know what they are and WRITE THEM DOWN. And I don’t mean wait a few days and then write them down, use the “power of now” and take action now. Think about what you want to improve in your life and within yourself and write that shit down. Some examples could be; I want to improve my relationship with others, I want to be more kind, I want to make X amount of money, I want to stop smoking or eating junk food. Whatever it is that you want to accomplish, write it down and be specific.
2. Break down your said goals into small steps so you can easily accomplish them.
Don’t skip this step!
It is very important to take the time to think about each step and make each step easily achievable so that you can take another step forward and not fail right away or feel like there is a massive mountain to climb. An example is, I want to quit smoking so I will need to remove one cigarette each day until I get down to one a day. Then I will start eliminating days of the week that I smoke until I get down to one day where I then smoke my last cigarette for life. Or I want to quit eating junk food so I will start replacing my junk food with healthier alternatives of that junk food. Then I will begin to only have that item a few times a week, then once a week until I don’t want it anymore. Or I want to be a kind person so I will take the time to compliment one person each day and be thankful until being kind becomes easier.
The point is to make your steps super simple and achievable and to throughly think them out so that you can implement them without hesitation. Oh, and you should write your steps down!
3. Take action.
One of the biggest methods of failure is not taking action. Some of you will read through this and immediately move on to the next post, scroll Facebook, tweet about it, make a mental note about it, the list goes on...but what you will not do is take action. “The Power of Now” is not only a great book but a fantastic and proven concept. You must take action now or within 30 seconds your drive to change will deminish and you will go about your day, then weeks, then years with no real improvement. Take action. Know and write down your goals, think about the steps to achieve them and then begin taking the steps to achieve them.
In conclusion, I want to encourage you to have these goals and steps in your view daily. Print them and hang them in a space that you visit often. Have them in your mind at all times and don’t wait until January 1st to begin taking the steps to improve your life. Take action. NOW. And if you feel you need accountability, tell a supportive friend or even hire a health coach to keep you accountable. Because you deserve to be the person you desire to be and have the life you want to possess!


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