Why Do I Coach Others To Live A Healthy Lifestyle?

Coaching people is so important to me. I remember the last few months I worked as a waitress in Logansport and I could not stand working there anymore. I was turning into a whole new person. New eating habits, doing yoga, creating a new mindset, and though there were people there that were fun to be around, I could not stand serving the food.  My heart melted each and every time a parent would order a soda for their child. Especially the time a super obese parent came in with their super obese 5 or 6 year old...and ordered them a DIET SODA, *oh my heart!!!  I wasn't mad at the parent. I wasn't mad at any of these people eating this way. I had been eating it too... I was just so saddened by the deception of our food system.

I had to get out of there. I couldn't serve one more person one more cup or plate of what I consider poison. I literally knew what I was serving them and it wasn't even real food. It was just an addictive poison.

I am so happy I left and entered into a local health food store, The Sunspot Natural Market in Kokomo. There, I worked as a chef for their grab n' go. And eventually this lead me to doing all kinds of other cool things. (See that story here.)

The point is, my mind, body and soul was transformed and created a whole different Haley just by recreating my eating habits and by exercising. I knew what the Standard American Diet was doing to people and I knew I needed to help others get away from it too. It became a whole-hearted and driven passion.  I never wanted to stop.  Every time I help someone step away from bad foods and comfort and believe in themselves, I receive a deep rooted joy. I am truly in the moment coaching these people and I CAN NOT STOP.

I love it, because, I love people. And I love the real food and drink of this earth.
That is why I coach, and THAT is why I want to help you too :) <3

To learn more about what I can do for you, connect with me at HaleysHealthyOptions@gmail.com or send me a message (765)-461-7243 .


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